19. Let Soap Be My Mouth Medicine



Ingredients’ Nutraceuticals

This sharing puts mouth care centre stage. The title is also a pun on ‘Let food be thy medicine’. Of course you’ll be the judge once you start using the toothsoap, smell it, see how it performs and how it makes your mouth feel. Our toothsoap is free of abrasives and nasty-chemicals to take care of your tooth enamel and oral microbiome for the long haul. Take a look at the ingredients’ nutraceuticals …


milk & honey /all good things/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

Tasmanian Soap Farm | Handmade Soap | milk & honey toothsoap ingredients' attributes

vegan /no animal products/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

Tasmanian Soap Farm | Handmade Soap | vegan toothsoap ingredients' attributes
Tasmanian Soap Farm | Sharings - Let Soap Be My Mouth Medicine| The Founder


The contents of this sharing are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment . . . Read More →


20. Meet You at the Markets!


18. Let Soap Be My Skin Medicine