Tasmanian Soap Farm

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18. Let Soap Be My Skin Medicine

Skin Care Soap

Ingredients’ Nutraceuticals

The title for this sharing plays with the adage, ‘Let food be thy medicine’. The images below let the known nutraceutical attributes of our soap ingredients speak for themselves. Finally, it will be up to you to be the judge once you start using the soaps and are able to smell them and see how they perform and how they make your skin feel. No expense has been spared on sourcing the finest inputs in the pursuit of making extraordinarily healthy soap that really does care for skin.

baby /to pamper/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

classic /is timeless/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

devil /wild spirit/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

rosy /afterglow/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

terrene /of the earth/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

vegan /no animal products/

100% Tasmanian, 100% Natural Ingredients

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The contents of this sharing are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment . . . Read More →